How to Figure Out the Next Best Move
Here's a relatively simple formula for when you feel stuck and don't know your next best move.
- Sit on a dining room or kitchen chair
- Feel your feet flat on the ground
- Feel your sit bones on the chair
- Let your sit bones support you
- Put your hand on your belly
- Set your intention to make the next best move
- Take 6-10 deep belly breaths, leaving your hand on your belly. Breathe in through the nose, hold for three full seconds, and out through the mouth, pursing your mouth on the out-breath
- Ideas will begin to come to you
- If your idea is is accompanied by or results in panic or a feeling of depletion, don't do it.
- Ride that wave of panic/depletion and wait for fresher thought
- If your idea makes you body vibrate with a sense of great anticipation, warmth, calm, a sense of wonder . . . you are likely on the right track
Try it and let me know what you think at