Boost Your Insight

It's an analytical world out there. We're surrounded by metrics, algorithms, big data, binary code, relentless analysis . . . you get the drift. 

This ongoing analysis and computation is truly powerful, and it is a major distraction: When we splice and dice, compute and analyze until we are blue in the face, it can get in the way of gaining fresh insight. 

In other words, how often has a solution to a nagging problem come to you in the shower, or on a walk, long after you have stopped analyzing it? Other places this can happen are in nature, on the yoga mat, on a jog, sitting in meditation. It's what Oprah calls her "Aha! moments."

I liken it to when the sediment of the mind has settled. As your coach I can help you to learn to access and recognize when you are thinking from a settled vs and unsettled place. It's a place where you see old problems from new perspectives, and leave your old (and no longer useful) stories behind. 

Want to learn more boosting your insight? Drop me a line at I look forward to hearing from you. 



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